Saturday, July 18, 2009

Theories & Modification???

My second week lecture is very interesting, something related to child psychology. We are required to prepare a presentation based on a reading material given by our lecturer. My group has done it right after given the task and it is very enjoyable. It provides us a channel to think of something, refreshing our background knowledge, tapping our schemata in relation to children's ability to learn language, though I admit that I may be facing difficulty recall back all the theories that we have learned. However, since we are dealing with all the theories in every semester, it is not that hard. I could even add a few new facts regarding children's ability to learn and acquire language. Continuous exposure also ensure all the theories that we have learned sink in our mind. Thus, it will remind me that I am an English teacher. After we have had enough with the theories, we are given general preview of what we will be learning for the next few weeks. I am really looking forward since I've never been exposed to this kind of thing. We will not only be exposed, but to practically explore everything on our own. I love this part because I believe that we need a chance to experience and discover for ourselves everything that we have learned. As a result, we will be able to fully understand what we have learned. I have not inform what we will be learning yet. Actually, we will learn a few basic skills on how to edit photo, viseo, audio and so much more using some softwarea and applications. I have almost forgotten that, while searching for something, I come across this video at YouTube, something related to how children learn langugae. To figure out more, watch it for yourself. Click the title of the video below...

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